Sunday, February 1, 2009

I have NEVER watched a game of football before. But this Superbowl got my attention. Wow that last half an hour was so exciting!! I just might be a fan next season. I love Kurt Warners story. Go Cardinals!


  1. Yah, me either. But I watched this time, in and out, then stayed intrigued at the end. So close. And there was just too much time on the clock. But, props to the Cardinals. They played hard and it was a good game. So close, that's all I can say.

    We got the deep fryer out, made Queso, homemade chips, and wings, yummy!

  2. I heard on the radio today that more women watched the Super Bowl this year than ever before. I wonder why? I watched the last few minutes, that's it. Maybe next year!
