Sunday, January 18, 2009

My special afternoon

My sister put an addition on her house for my parents to live in. It's done and my parents got to move in yesterday. I was helping my mom by putting some of her favorite treasures in her china cabinet. I absolutelty loved spending that time with her. I cherish every moment I get with my mom. I think I could almost feel the presence of my grandparents there with us yesterday as mom would hand me things that belonged to her mom and dad and my dads mom to put in the china cabinet. It was a very special afternoon for me to help my parents get organized in their new home. My parents are 84 and 88 years old and have had to be taken to several doctors appointments lately. Last week my dad asked me if I ever wished I was born an orphan! It was so funny. I said, why do you say that? He said, then that way you would'nt have to be taking us everywhere. I said, hey you and mom took very good care of us kids and took me especially to many dr. appointments through the years. I said, It is now our turn to take care of you. Last Thursday my sister and I took him to a 4 hour appointment to the Cardiologist to have some tests run. When we got home he had tears in his eyes and said thank you both for all you do for me I appreciate you so much. He said, every time I think of what you do for me I get tears in my eyes. It was a very sweet and tender moment. My dad is about 95% blind and walks with a walker. My mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. I am so thankful that I am able to help my parents out in these years when they need me. I know it must be so hard on them to have to be so dependent on us kids. I know those years scare me to death, I do not want to have to go through that myself but I am sure I will and I am blessed with wonderful children that I know will take good care of me too.

1 comment:

  1. What a special, emotional day. I think of them often and wish we could see them more. We do need to treasure the moments and make as many memories as we can. This life is short :-)
